Sample Sizes for Certification

In general, we need 400 healthy, full seeds as reference sample. Please send the seed volumes on grams as listed in the table below, or send a count of 400.

Required sample sizes for the examination of the germination capacity are listed in the table below. If you would like to attain certification, please note that we receive enough seeds. Please add the quantity indicated for germination tests and certification. Unless stated otherwise, amounts given are in grams.

Tree Species


AbiesFir, all species20 g
Acer campestreField Maple20 g
Acer platanoides L.Norway Maple100 g
Acer pseudoplatanus LSycamore Maple50 g
AlnusAlder, all species5 g
Betula spec.Birch, all species3 g
Carpinus betulus L.Common Hornbeam20 g
Castanea sativa Mill.Chestnut2.000 g
Fagus sylvatica L.Common Beach100 g
Fraxinus excelsior L.Common Ash50 g
LarixLarch, all species5 g
Malus communisCommon Apple10 g
PiceaSpruce, all species5 g
PinusPine, all species10 g
Prunus avium LWild or Sweet Cherry100 g
Pseudotsuga menziesiiDouglas Fir5 g
Pyrus communisEuropean Pear10 g
Quercus spec.Oak, all species1.500 g
Robinia pseudoacacia L.Black Locust30 g
Sorbus aucupariaRowan or European Mountain Ash5 g
Sorbus torminalisWild Service Tree10 g
Tilia cordata Mill.Small-leafed Lime20 g
Tilia platyphyllos ScopLarge-leafed Lime50 g
UlmusElm, all species5 g

Shrub Species


Berberis vulgarisEuropean Barberry5 g
Cornus masEuropean Cornel100 g
Cornus sanguineaCommon Dogwood50 g
CorylusHazels800 g
Euonymus europaeaCommon Spindle50 g
Ilex aquifoliumEuropean Holly5 g
Ligustrum vulgarisWild Privet10 g
LoniceraFly Honeysuckle10 g
Prunus spinosaBlackthorne or Sloe100 g
RhamnusBuckthorn, all species50 g
Rosa caninaDog Rose20 g
SambucusElderberry, all species10 g
SorbusRowan, all species20 g
ViburnumViburnum, all species20 g


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Kontaktieren Sie uns

an der Abteilung für Forstgenetik
Büsgenweg 2
D 37077 Göttingen

Dr. B. Hosius (Außenarbeiten / Geschäftsführung)
+49 172 83 67 161

PD. Dr. L. Leinemann (Labore / Geschäftsführung)
+49 173 39 24 613

Dr. O. Caré (Genetik-Labor)
+49 173 231 3462

E. Hosius (Keimlabor / Fragen zur Zertifizierung)
+49 551 39 37100 und +49 172 860 5749
+49 172 214 7195
+49 551 39 37101